Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9/6/11 Meeting

In case you missed the meeting today, here's a brief recap:

  • Science Bowl
    • Science Bowl teams/subjects
    • Walton invitational (if they're doing it again this year)
  • Adopt-a-Mile
    • Dates will be assigned soon
  • Campus Clean-up 
    • Science club's designated area
At the beginning of the meeting, we discussed Science Bowl and subject assignments. The subjects are:
Earth Science
*Physics and Energy may be grouped together.

If you are interested in joining science bowl, let Mrs. Ingle know as soon as possible and choose the topic you want. We are looking for 100% commitment this year. 

Some upcoming events will be the Walton Invitational (if applicable), Adopt-a-Mile, and Campus Clean-up. For campus clean-up, we will be designated an area of the school to clean up each time one is scheduled. Adopt-a-Mile will take place in the course of the next few weeks, so keep that in mind. 

If you have any questions or comments, just use http://www.facebook.com/groups/142520415814903/

Have a great evening/day!
Elizabeth Kim (Secretary)

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